Sunday, December 18, 2011

Train to North Pole

Last year we took a train to the North Pole and it was so much fun that we decided that it is going to be our yearly Christmas tradition and this year Jacoby loved it even more!
He talked about it for days before and days after. It was definitely one of our highlights this Christmas. We drove up to Lebanon, Ohio and took a train from Lebanon to Mason. It was about a 30 minute train ride.
He loved watching out the windows and making all of his train noises. For most of the ride he was the conductor and kept saying, "All aboard- choo, choo."
He was so excited to see Santa!
When we got there they had a little North Pole area set up with a building for coloring some Christmas decorations as well as a little house where Santa was.
They also had hot cocoa and cookies. Jacoby called it hot chocolate before this trip but since watching the Polar Express as well as hearing Santa say hot cocoa, it's hot cocoa now. Just ask him.
He was so cute with Santa. He ran right in and gave him a big hug. Then he told him that he was a really good boy and that he wanted a train for Christmas. Santa asked him a few other questions and he answered him but he was a little distracted by Mrs. Claus sitting next to them.
But Mrs. Claus gave him a big bell ornament and then he was back to talking up a storm to both of them.
He loved seeing Santa! It was so much fun to take him this year and watch him. I have always loved Christmas but it is so much fun when they start getting it and it was so much fun to relive Christmas through him this year.
As soon as we got home, he hung his bell on the Christmas tree and anyone who came over he showed the bell to them and told them that the sound would help the reindeer find our house on Christmas Eve.

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