Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The flood

Well December 6 was not a good day for me. All night it had been raining and we got 4 inches of rain over night. Jarod left that morning to go to Chicago for the week and Jacoby and I were just hanging out. I had hid something in the basement for the elf to bring that day to Jacoby so I ran down to go and get it. When I opened the door there was about three inches of water over my entire basement. I had no idea what to do. I seriously sat down on the steps and started bawling. I did not know what to do, who to call or what to even do next. Bawling was the only thing that I could think of doing. After I got a little composure I tried to call Jarod. He was flying so I couldn't get a hold of him so I called my dad. I was so glad that he answered the phone and told me what to do because I just needed someone to tell me what to do. He told me to call my insurance and so I did and started the long process. In the meantime, we were not sure if it would be covered under insurance because we had no idea where the water was coming from so my dad told me to call a plumber. I did and he came over and we found out it was the sump pump. That was good news because it was covered under insurance and it was rain water not sewer water- thank goodness!
Anyway, later that night we had a party at our house with all the cleaners and evaluators along with my Bishop and another guy from my ward who came to help me move boxes. It was insane!
I was a disaster for a few days. 36 weeks pregnant with my husband out of town with a three year old and no help. It was not a good combination but luckily everything has turned out ok. We lost about $10,000 in stuff in the flood and most of our baby clothes and baby stuff and we are still working with the insurance to get it all covered but the good news is that it is covered.

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