Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Big Sleeper!

Jacoby slept through the night last night!! What a treat!
Last night I put him to bed at his normal time and thought I was in trouble when he proceeded to wake up three times before eleven! But at 11, he woke up and ate and went back to sleep and he slept in until 7:30 this morning!!! I could not believe it! My little guy usually gets up twice to eat. Me on the other hand, spent the night wide awake checking on him every few minutes!! I get more sleep when he wakes up to eat!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jacoby and His Mamma

I love this picture!!!
My mom came to stay with me this week while I was recovering and Jarod was at a Leadership Academy for Wrigley. It was a big deal that Jarod was invited to go and he had a great time!
Jacoby and I had so much fun having my mom here!! He loves her!!! We spent the week trying to finish Jacoby's nursery. We have glass doors into his nursery and he has discovered that he can look out and see us when he is suppose to be asleep. He then laughs to try and get your attention when you walk by. Too cute! (most of the time other than when he hasn't slept all day and is miserable) So we made some curtains for his room and they turned out great!
Thanks so much for coming out mom!! It was great to have you and we miss you already!! I don't know what I would have done without you this week. Can't wait to see you again in a few weeks! We love you very much and Jacoby is one lucky little boy to have such a wonderful Mamma!!!

Happy Easter!

We had such a great Easter this year!!! The weather was beautiful and so was our little boy! My mom sent him the cutest Easter package that I couldn't wait to open. Inside was this cute Easter bag that she made. I was so happy! I had been trying to find a cute Easter basket and hadn't been able to find one. Once again, mom to the rescue!
Everything goes in his mouth these days... including the ears to his basket. He thought they were great!! By the way... my baby is going bald!!

After chewing on the ears, we had to get a picture of him inside his basket.

My mom also made these cute Easter shoes! They are so soft and cuddly and we love them!

My Grandma knitted this hat and sweater for Jacoby for his blessing but they were too big for him then so we put them on for Easter. The sweater fit perfect but the hat was a little small.

Jarod made the best Easter meal and we really enjoyed our day!

I was still recovering from surgery and not feeling the best but I did manage to get in my church clothes with heating pads still attached. I am brilliant!!! Don't tell the doctor that I held my baby to get a picture though but I had to he is just too cute and it was his first Easter!!
Jaocby also got four new outfits from Grandma and Grandpa J for Easter. He was a little spoiled this year by his grandparents and we are just fine with that :)
I love Easter and what it means to all of us! I hope you all had a wonderful day!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

4 Months Old!!

I am a little behind posting Jacoby's 4 month pictures but here they are. He is such a joy!! And we are so on love with this little guy. He keeps us laughing and has so much personality! Here are a few things about our sweet baby.
1. Loves playing on the floor
2. Squeals and squawks all the time. I can't believe how loud he is!
3. Sucking on his hands and fingers constantly and anything that comes close to his mouth goes in it.
4. Is my 45 minute napper and no more!!
5. Loves going on walks and being outside
6. Has rolled over both ways but would rather play on his back then have tummy time.
7. Is doing much better in his car seat- thank goodness!!!
8. Still loves doing baby yoga
9. Thinks his Daddy is so funny and he can get him to belly laugh
10. He thinks he is such a big boy and loves to stand on his legs
11. He is such a happy baby and smiles all day long
12. Does not like when Mommy sneezes. He gets very concerned and starts to cry but only when I sneeze. Now I try to smile and sneeze at the same time to let him know that I am ok and that is hard to do.
12. Jacoby loves nursing and after a few long months it has became our favorite time of the day!!
He is growing up so fast! When we took him to his four month appointment our little guy weighed in at 13 lb.15 oz (25-50%) and 26 inches long (50%).

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Post Surgery

Yesterday, I had to have surgery to have a very large cyst removed off of my left ovary for those of you that didn't know. They discovered it while I was pregnant with Jacoby and it grew while I was pregnant to be quite large.
I tried to post pone the surgery for as long as possible because I was trying to get Jacoby a little bigger and a little less dependent upon me.
The surgery went well. They ended up being able to just go through my belly button and take it out instead of opening me clear up.
Good news- it's finally out!!! The cyst is not cancerous!! And the procedure is over!! Jacoby survived without me for the day and didn't wean himself from nursing (yes, that is what I was concerned about- so dumb!)
Bad news-Can't pack around my baby for 2 WEEKS!!! Ugh! Still really sore and tired but we are surviving thanks to my wonderful husband and mom that is coming soon!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Baby Blues

I just love these BIG blue eyes!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Year Has Gone By

It was a year ago today, that the doctor confirmed that I was pregnant with Jacoby. In my sleep deprived state today (he was up all night last night), I have thought back a lot of what I was feeling a year ago. Scared, terrified, excited, thrilled, and every other emotion in between. Nine months seemed like such a long time and there were days that it felt like it was but for the most part it flew by. Those wonderful 9 months when I knew my baby but didn't know if it was a boy or a girl or what the baby looked like but I was so in love anyway. Now he is here and getting so big. I can't imagine my life without him and love him more than I ever thought possible.
I can't believe it has been a year since I felt all of those emotions but the crazy thing is I still have them. They have never gone away. I think they are a part of motherhood!!