Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Big Sleeper!

Jacoby slept through the night last night!! What a treat!
Last night I put him to bed at his normal time and thought I was in trouble when he proceeded to wake up three times before eleven! But at 11, he woke up and ate and went back to sleep and he slept in until 7:30 this morning!!! I could not believe it! My little guy usually gets up twice to eat. Me on the other hand, spent the night wide awake checking on him every few minutes!! I get more sleep when he wakes up to eat!!


The Hemming's said...

YAY! He did it. I am totally the same way, when my kids would sleep through the night when they were younger I was just sure there was something wrong!But of course they were fine.

Jessica said...

Isn't that funny that we were just talking about that yesterday!!

Ericka said...

Thats great! Charlie has been sleeping all night too, and it is funny, since he has been sleeping all night, he has been taking 2 to 3 hour naps in the day. it is weird, you would think he would take long naps when he wasn't sleeping. And I guess when it is your second, you are just grateful he is sleeping and you resist the urge to check on him every five minutes!

Suzanne said...

I remeber the first night Aria slept through the night! I was just like you and was every few minutes making sure she was breathing!

Suzanne said...

I remeber the first night Aria slept through the night! I was just like you and was every few minutes making sure she was breathing!

Anonymous said...

Cross your fingers for another night or maybe nightS!! Love ya,