Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Year Has Gone By

It was a year ago today, that the doctor confirmed that I was pregnant with Jacoby. In my sleep deprived state today (he was up all night last night), I have thought back a lot of what I was feeling a year ago. Scared, terrified, excited, thrilled, and every other emotion in between. Nine months seemed like such a long time and there were days that it felt like it was but for the most part it flew by. Those wonderful 9 months when I knew my baby but didn't know if it was a boy or a girl or what the baby looked like but I was so in love anyway. Now he is here and getting so big. I can't imagine my life without him and love him more than I ever thought possible.
I can't believe it has been a year since I felt all of those emotions but the crazy thing is I still have them. They have never gone away. I think they are a part of motherhood!!

1 comment:

Abby Stimpson said...

Yeah I would have to agree with you :) It's just part of the Momma package deal! I have three and all that still applies to me.