Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Post Surgery

Yesterday, I had to have surgery to have a very large cyst removed off of my left ovary for those of you that didn't know. They discovered it while I was pregnant with Jacoby and it grew while I was pregnant to be quite large.
I tried to post pone the surgery for as long as possible because I was trying to get Jacoby a little bigger and a little less dependent upon me.
The surgery went well. They ended up being able to just go through my belly button and take it out instead of opening me clear up.
Good news- it's finally out!!! The cyst is not cancerous!! And the procedure is over!! Jacoby survived without me for the day and didn't wean himself from nursing (yes, that is what I was concerned about- so dumb!)
Bad news-Can't pack around my baby for 2 WEEKS!!! Ugh! Still really sore and tired but we are surviving thanks to my wonderful husband and mom that is coming soon!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! I am glad you are doing ok. Go easy with the baby thing. Arent we lucky to have such fabulous husbands? Love ya, H.

Unknown said...

I am so glad your surgery went well. I've been wanting to call and ask you but ii wasn't sure when you would be sleeping and I didn't want to disturb you. Love you and miss you.

Amy Michelle said...

I am so glad that everything went well. Don't feel dumb worrying about Jacoby every mother feels that way. I hope you recover quickly! Much love to you!