Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Food

On May 8, we gave Jacoby rice cereal for the first time! He was a HUGE fan!! Here he is with his big eyes wondering what is going on and why his Mommy and Daddy are so excited!

The first bite... he was very interested in moving it around his mouth!

Once he decided he liked it there was no turning around. He acted like a little birdie and sat with his mouth opened and leaned in to me to eat. I could not feed him fast enough! He was lovin it!

I had struggled with when to start feeding him so I started reading a few books. One of them gave a list of ways to tell if your child was ready to eat solids. I didn't think Jacoby was ready but then I started reading the list and he did every single one of them, except for one I had never tried. It said to put the spoon in their mouth and see what they do with it. Sure enough I did it and he knew exactly what to do. I guess he was ready!! Me, not so much. I guess I just keep thinking of him as my little baby. There has to be a way to slow this down!!

Daddy and Jacoby after the rice cereal. He was a happy boy and was so proud of himself. It was too cute!

As much as he loves his rice cereal, nothing beats Mommy's hair especially for dessert!

The next day (and every day since then), he gets so excited as soon as he sees the box of cereal and when he gets in his chair. There is hardly ever a drop on his bib because he eats all of it as fast as you can shovel it in! And you better make enough the first time because he doesn't like to wait for you to make more and he will tell you about it.

Such a big boy with Rice cereal all over his face! Hmmm, I wonder what we will try next??


Unknown said...

i loved seeing you guys this last weekend. Jacoby is so cute. I love how happy he is and how excited he gets when he gets to eat his rice cereal. I love you and will see you in a couple of weeks.

Lindsey said...

Oh his eyes. . .he is so cute! Aw the world of solid foods! A whole new adventure.

Kristi said...

Look at that sweet boys eyes!!! Goodness, he is handsome.