Monday, September 28, 2009

I Really Like Him!

The other day I was taking to a stranger, yes, Grandma I know I shouldn't talk to strangers but I am guilty of that on most days- sorry! Anyway, the person asked what I did and I told them I was a stay at home mom which in the big city I live in is very uncommon. I hang out at the park on most days with all the nannies. She looked at me and asked me if that was hard and if I ever needed a break. I smiled and told her that it was hard and I do need breaks but I wouldn't trade it for anything! She looked at me and said you must really like him.

That was a few weeks ago and I have thought about that conversation a few times. I am so blessed to be able to stay home with Jacoby and it is worth everything to me! He is growing up so fast and every day it is something new and he is in this stage where he wants to explore everything. I am not sure where the last 9 months and three weeks have gone! (I refuse to call him 10 months until later this week because it makes me sad that he has hit the double digits!) But it has gone by so fast and I am so lucky that I have been able to be here every step of the way!

And it is so true I REALLY REALLY like him!!!!


Anonymous said...

I really really like him too! love mama

Amy Michelle said...

I am so glad you really like him! :)
Sad that so many Mommies miss out on so much of their kids growing up.

Rob and Elisha said...

There's nothing better than being a 'mommy'!!!