Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pumpkin Patch and Carving

Can you tell how excited some body was to go to the pumpkin patch?

And this one was awesome! It had a big tractor.

Lots of animals and we even got to go on a carriage ride around the farm.

I love this pic of my little boy watching the world go by.

This was a huge pumpkin patch and was so muddy. Jacoby thought it was great but he was taking his hunt for the perfect pumpkin very seriously.

Jar and I were wondering if he was ever going to find the perfect one.

and then he found it! He kept saying it's perfect, it's perfect!! He was so excited!

We took it home and made pizza for dinner and then started carving.

He was a huge help this year but still didn't want to put his hand in the pumpkin. He used a spoon but he did help me sort out all the seeds and thought that it felt slimy and silly.

Daddy and Jacoby Jack-o-lanterns

He was very particular on how Daddy carved it this year. He wanted two circle eyes like his. A triangle nose because that's what his looks like. He wanted a big smile with 3 teeth and Daddy had to add ears because the pumpkin needed ears to hear.

They are really into the thumbs up thing these days. Comes from mowing the lawn together. Anyway here they are with the pumpkin. It was such a fun day!

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