Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mamma and Paka

The last few weeks of my pregnancy were so stressful!! I was stressed out wondering what I would do with Jacoby if Jace decided to come early. When my mom got here two days before Jace was born I was so relieved and I don't think I have ever been more excited to have her here.

As soon as she got here, we all kept telling Jace that he could come any time now. Two days later he made his appearance. Good timing Jacers!! It was so nice to leave for the hospital and not have to worry about Jacoby. I knew he would be just fine with my mom which made the biggest difference with me.

Jacoby and my mom had a slumber party. They also had a lot of fun together. I was so glad that she was here for that and that she got to meet Jace the same day he was born. Then my mom stayed for three weeks to help me with the boys. I don't know what I would have done without here. It was so nice to have my mom with me and my family during this special time. I don't know what I would have done without her. I was so excited that my dad got to come in for a few days as well to meet Jace and play with Jacoby. I am pretty sure my dad is Jacoby's favorite person besides Jarod and me. He loves his Paka!!

My boys are so blessed to have the most amazing grandparents ever and I am so lucky to have them as parents and friends. Thank you mom for everything! And thank you dad for letting me steal her for three weeks!! I love you both so much!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Big Brother

You have had a little bit of an adjustment since you became a big brother which was to be expected. You absolutely love being a big brother and love Jace so much. You are so gentle with him and you love to talk and sing to him. You love it when I ask you to watch him whlie I run and get something. You take your job very seriously. Anytime that Jace cries you tell him, "It's ok baby. I am right here" or "Mama will give you milky". You love to call him Jacers. You always want to see him and whenever he wakes up you say, "good morning blue eyes". I love to watch you with your baby brother and you are a great one.
I think you are missing your Mama time. I miss my time with you too but I love being with both my boys now and I love trying to sneak time for just the two of us. The other morning Daddy took Jace and you and I stayed in bed to cuddle. You started singing, "Just the two of us". It was so funny. We try to have some time everyday for just the two of us . You have gotten much closer with your Daddy since Jace was born and I love to watch you bond with him.
You have been a little stir crazy lately being in the house so much so you have discovered how much you love to go outside and ride your scooter around the driveway. You also love playing with the play dough that Mamma made for you while she was here. You love how much TV you get to watch right now and you love to do projects with your scissors and glues.
Overall you are doing amazing and everyday you are adjusting more and more. We love you so much Jacoby and we are so glad that you are such a great big brother!

Jace's Announcement

Here are a few other shots that I took before I got the shot for Jace's birth announcement. It only took four photo shoots but who is counting. It was worth the wait- I LOVE his picture!! They were taken when Jace was six days old.

Friday, January 27, 2012

2 weeks old!

I really cannot believe that my sweet baby is two weeks old! He is pure joy! He is the happiest, sweetest and most content baby ever. He loves to eat and does so constantly. I decided with Jace that I was going to let him take the lead and relax and it has made the biggest difference in him and in me. When he is hungry he starts to pant and nose dives down. It is hilarious! He is such a sleeper and sleeps all the time. Jace's favorite thing to do though is to be held. He is such a cuddly baby and loves to snuggle. If he is not close to me he will scoot and move himself until he is closer and right where he wants to be.

He has the sweetest spirit and has brought so much love along with him.

From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I knew this baby was suppose to come to our family at this time and then when I saw him it was confirmed. As soon as Jarod held him up and I saw that it was a boy I was overcome with instant love and knew that he was mine. I went back and forth my entire pregnancy on what I thought I was having and I never really know but I had no idea how badly I wanted another boy until I saw that he was a boy. I am so happy to have my two boys and I know that they will be the best of friends.

Jace makes our little family feel more complete and I cannot imagine life without this sweet baby of mine. Jace we love you so much and we are so happy to have you here with us. The last two weeks have been exhausting but I would not trade it for anything. We love you so much Jace!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My 33rd Birthday

Wow! I really can't be 33, can I? What a great Birthday this year! Jacoby and Daddy went shopping again for my birthday and Jacoby picked out the perfect cake. After standing in the aisle with his daddy and changing his mind a few times he finally decided that I needed a pink cake with pink frosting and pink candles because I am a girl. So cute!

Then he got me mint chocolate ice cream with butterscotch topping. Yummy! I love that Jarod lets him pick presents out for me and I love that he puts so much thought into it. So cute! Jarod also sent me roses and the boys got me a new name necklace with both of their names on it. Love it!

I could not be a happier Mama with my two boys. Love them both so much even if one of them didn't want to wear clothes that day!

I was also a lucky girl to have my Mom and Dad in town for my Birthday. We went out to a new mexican restaurant that was really good and I got to top of the night with Tres Leche cake.

My little family. Jacoby was digging the queso and could not even stop for a picture. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing husband and two beautiful boys and the most amazing parents ever. I am one happy Mama!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Hanging Out

I love having a newborn in our home. They are so sweet and bring so much love along with them. It is so amazing!! And we have been trying to eat it all up.
Daddy reading Jace his first book.

Cuddling with Mama with a smile on his face

He is starting to stretch out and he seems so long!

Our sweet boy wide awake for about ten minuted before he is sleeping again. This boy can sleep! We had to ask the doctor at his first appointment if it was normal for him to sleep about 22 hours a day. I guess it is. New to me that is for sure. He is such a good baby and loves to be held 24 hours a day and we all are more than happy to do it. Good thing Mamma is here to help out!

Even big brother Jacoby!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

First Bath

Our little Jace lost his umbilical cord pretty early considering it got a little toasty under all the lights so it fell off on Day 5. It is one thing that really grosses me out so I am always so glad when it is gone. I was changing his diaper and it was off. I had to get his daddy to take care of it though because I don't do umbilical cords.
We waited until the next day to give him a bath and Jacoby was so excited! He was such a big helper too.

Jace wasn't so sure what he thought about it though. At first he cried and then he calmed down and just stared at all of us. He loves when we talk to him and he just looks around at all of us as we do.

Daddy and a clean baby

Mama and my sweet baby boy!

Friday, January 13, 2012