Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mamma and Paka

The last few weeks of my pregnancy were so stressful!! I was stressed out wondering what I would do with Jacoby if Jace decided to come early. When my mom got here two days before Jace was born I was so relieved and I don't think I have ever been more excited to have her here.

As soon as she got here, we all kept telling Jace that he could come any time now. Two days later he made his appearance. Good timing Jacers!! It was so nice to leave for the hospital and not have to worry about Jacoby. I knew he would be just fine with my mom which made the biggest difference with me.

Jacoby and my mom had a slumber party. They also had a lot of fun together. I was so glad that she was here for that and that she got to meet Jace the same day he was born. Then my mom stayed for three weeks to help me with the boys. I don't know what I would have done without here. It was so nice to have my mom with me and my family during this special time. I don't know what I would have done without her. I was so excited that my dad got to come in for a few days as well to meet Jace and play with Jacoby. I am pretty sure my dad is Jacoby's favorite person besides Jarod and me. He loves his Paka!!

My boys are so blessed to have the most amazing grandparents ever and I am so lucky to have them as parents and friends. Thank you mom for everything! And thank you dad for letting me steal her for three weeks!! I love you both so much!

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

What a joy to get to spend time with all of you. It went by so fast and I could not believe it was over. I loved being there with you and sharing this special time. I love each one of you so much and am so thankful that we are family. I always love to come and be with all of you. I love to see what a great support you are for each other. You and Jarod are great parents to those little ones. I agree Paka is Jacoby's favorite. He was thrilled to see him come. Let him know that I love him always.LOL. Love to each of you.