Saturday, January 7, 2012

Big Brother Class

We took Jacoby to a big brother class at the hospital. He had so much fun and was so excited to be there. They each got a doll and learned how to hold it, burp it and feed it. They also watched a video about what to expect when the baby comes. He was so funny! First of all, when they asked him when his baby was coming he told them in January. Then they asked him if he was having a boy or a girl and he told them we were having a boy and a girl. Then he corrected himself and said it was a surprise. Then later the teacher asked them what the baby would eat. He raised his hand and told them Mama's milky and then from that moment on that was his answer to every question. Why does the baby cry? It wants Mama's milky and so on. It was pretty dang funny.
After the class was over we got to tour the hospital. He was very interested in where Mama and Daddy would be and asked in the labor room, "Well where will my Daddy sleep?". I was with him on that one but I guess they do on a chair. Lucky Daddy!
It was so much fun to take him and talk to him about being a big brother. I know that he is going to be amazing. I know that I will have the biggest helper in the world but I know that he loves his baby and could not be more excited.

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