Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Indy Children's Museum

We flew back from Boise but landed in Indianapolis to save us a ton of money since Cincinnati is the most expensive airport to fly in and out of it.  While we were there we decided to make a trip out of it.  We didn't get the early start that we were planning on since Jacoby slept in until 11!!  He was exhausted!  Didn't help that we finally got to our hotel after one in the morning after a long day of travel and delays but we still made it to the Children's Musuem and it was awesome!
Indy has the largest children's museum in the world and we had been wanting to go there forever and it did not disappoint!
We had a blast!  We only hit about 1/3 of it because we spent most of our time in the car room.  You got to race cars, design cars, fix cars, everything cars and Jacoby loved it!
Love this pic of the boys!!
We took Jace into the baby room and they had this air blower that blew balls up in the air and he was in heaven.  He sat there and watched it for a really long time and kicked his legs because he was so excited.
Then we went through the mirror maze and had fun taking pictures.
We really had the best time!  I can't wait to take them back again and see all the stuff we missed. 
We loaded the kids up in the rental car and drove home.  It was nice to finally be home and even better that daddy had the rest of the week off!  I don't remember the last time we had vacation in our own town, that never happens with us!

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