Sunday, July 1, 2012

Family Camp 2012

We had a great time at family camp this year in Ponderosa State Park in McCall.  This year not only my family went but there was 74 of us!  All the Gills and Sessions came too. It was a lot of fun to see everyone! Jace was very interested in Blake the entire time and Blake just wanted to hide.

We discovered we have a little outdoors man!  Jace LOVED camping!  It combined his two favorite things being held all the time and being outside so he was a happy boy the entire time. 

Jacoby was still getting over being sick but he had a blast doing secret cousins where he picked up these things along with some of our other activities like the night scavenger hunt, games and crafts.
Poor Emma ended up getting sick along with Boden and Serene.  There was lots of sickness going around.  No fun for anyone but I don't think anyone got strep thank goodness.
My dad bought Jacoby his very own fishing pole and he was so excited to go and try it out. 

I love this picture with my dad and all of them lined up!
Jacoby's first fish with his new pole was an octopus log- he named it himself!  He didn't catch any fish this year but he had a great time.

Ash made our really cute shirts this year with every one's last names on them and then Jacoby decorated his with markers. 
One of the highlights though was taking Jacoby on the tag along bike.  He thought it was the greatest thing ever!
This could be one of my all time favorite pictures of him.  I love how proud he is of himself and how happy he is. 
He had so much fun getting to know the other cousins.  He really enjoyed spending time with Emerson and Riley. 

Jace had so much fun playing with Blake.  These two are so cute and they are so lucky to have Mamma and Paka.

These are all the kids!!!  There was quite a few.  A few of the other highlights were sleeping in a hotel- yes, that was my type of camping this year.  We did stay one night in the tent trailer but it was sure nice to have a nice bed instead of the ground.  Listening to Uncle Mike's stories was so fun!  Also, instead of bringing food this year my little family went out for lunch everyday and we tried some amazing new restaurants- including sushi in McCall that was amazing. 
We had a great time and it went by so fast- can't wait for next year! 

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

I am so glad that you guys were able to come. IT really was a good time even though we had a revolving sick door. I am thankful to have each of you in my life. My family means
everything to me. I just wondered how I ended up with the binky attached to me? Love mom