Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christmas in Idaho

To say I was excited to be home for Christmas this year would be an understatement! I was excited!! It had been 4 years since I had been home and it was long over due. We switch off families for the Holidays every year but my year two years ago I had the cutest little 3 week old baby so we stayed home.
Speaking of cuties, I cannot get enough of these two. They are so dang cute!! The last time we were home we had a few OK a lot of fighting with these two but not this time. They had the best time and played so well together much to my relief!!
They were so funny sitting at the table eating. They were laughing and having their own little conversation. It was too cute!

These three boys are so entertaining!! I love them all so much! I love that they are so close in age and I love all of their cute personalities. They are all so different but so much fun.

Christmas Eve we all got in our jammies and had a party. A tradition at my house. Since we were staying at my mom's house she bought us all jammies. The funny thing is my mom bought us ours and Lace and Brian bought each other theirs but the girls ended up with the same jammies and so did Brian and Jarod. What can I say but we have good taste!

My Mom, Dad and Ash planned a really nice little Christmas Eve program that my child was interested in for the first three minutes and after that I was busy trying to keep him still. It was really cute and hopefully next time the boys will be a little more cooperative. They just wanted to play with the nativity set this year. Jacoby likes to play with Baby Jesus and put him on top of the stable. That's where he belongs according to him.

I had to take a picture of this sweet, adorable little girl in her first Christmas jammies! She could not be any cuter!

Taking pictures of all the grandkids could be one of my least favorite things to do. Seriously. It is so tough and there is only 4 of them- what am I going to do when there is more. I think I will hand off my responsibility. Anyway, this is the best one we got but this time I thought I would add what most of them look like.

Yep, that would be all of them escaping!!! Except for Emma, she is always good for a smile!

Everyone went home that night only to return the next day to celebrate Christmas and yes we do that in jammies too!
Once again, Boden is not happy to be taking pictures and poor Ty had to work all of Christmas Eve and hadn't slept yet.

The newlyweds.

Derek and Vera

The Anderson's

Mom and Dad

I got a nice picture of everyone and then wait my son trying to escape again- he thinks he is so funny!!

The kids had so much fun opening Christmas presents but I think the highlight was playing in the wrapping paper when we were all done. Jacoby got lots of books and a Mickey Mouse guitar from Michael and Boden that he was a huge fan of.

He also got this adorable sweater and jeans from my mom. It was so him and so is this picture. He heard my dad getting into the whip cream so he ran over with his mouth gaping open and asked Paka for some. He was so excited he had to run around the house showing everyone.

We had an amazing meal- as usual with my mom!! Derek, Vera and us went to the park and played football and went on the swings. We played a little cards and Grandma GG came over to see all of us. We had a very relaxing, wonderful Christmas and I am so glad that I was able to be home for it this year!

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

It seems like that was so long ago now. I want do overs!!!!I am so ready to see you all. Love mom