Friday, April 1, 2011

All the Jostes'

Our little family and Mary and Connor got to Mexico on Saturday. Actually they surprised us in the Atlanta airport on our way to Cancun. I had one of those double take moments when I saw Connor smiling at me as I got off the plane. Jacoby was so excited!!! He ran right over to Grandma J and was so excited to see them. Jim and Collin didn't come until Monday because Collin was in a school play. Jacoby once again was excited to see them when they got to Mexico and wanted to show them everything. That night we went to dinner and I actually brought my camera.
This could be one of my favorite pictures of all times!! Jacoby never looks at the camera and if he does he certainly does not smile but I got one and I love it!
Jacoby was spoiled rotten the entire time we were in Mexico. He didn't even have to stay at the table, he took nightly walks with Grandma J and sometimes Grandpa J while we waited for our food.
Love this little boy to pieces!!
and then when our food came we had live entertainment which of course he loved.
After dinner, we would always go to the beach for a little stroll
Could he be any happier? This is how he was the entire time we were in Mexico. He loved it, loved playing in the water and it never hurts when you are the center of attention!
We had a room that was attached to Connor and Collin's room and every day Jacoby and Connor would knock on each others doors when the woke up and then Jacoby would go wake up Uncle Collin. He loves his uncles and I know the feeling is mutual.
Take a camera to the beach with these guys and this is what you get.

and I being the die hard photographer that I am laid on the sand the entire time capturing their tree climbing.
After our stroll on the beach every night we would visit the fire put before heading to our room for the night.

Our only group shot of the trip but it's a good one.

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