Friday, April 1, 2011

Just another day in paradise

One of the days we took the ferry over to a little island off the Mexican coast. Jacoby loved riding on the boat with Grandma J.
He was very interested in the blue water and the fish
We rented golf carts and drove around the island to check it all out. Jacoby loved to help drive. When we first stopped, he stood up and said "Hey guys! I'm helping Daddy drive!!" He was so proud of himself. He even fell asleep later with one hand on the steering wheel and one hand in my hair.
The beaches were beautiful and we got a couple of great shots. Jacoby is busy eating pretzels from our flight.

This is my life... running after my two year old. Either in the water or on land he is not picky.

I think this is a great pic of Grandpa J and Jacobes heading out for a swim. He loved swimming and running from the waves.

He just grins the entire time! While Jacoby was napping on the lounge chair we all took turns snorkeling. It was really cool and when Jacoby woke up we took him out there with us. He thought all the fish were so cool and kept making his fish faces and yelling out what colors they were.

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