Last night, Jarod was out of town and Jacoby and I were here together. I felt a migraine coming on and quickly tried to get some Tylenol in me. Unfortunately it didn't work. I turned on a Mickey Mouse for Jacoby and went to take a bath in the dark- the only thing that makes me feel better when I have a migraine. I kept the doors all open so I could hear him. All I kept thinking was how am I going to get through tonight? How am I going to be able to take care of my baby and have a migraine? I really had no idea what I was going to do. I told myself I had 20 minutes, the length of Mickey Mouse, to get feeling better.
Well that didn't happen. Jacoby came to find me when it was over in the dark in the bath tub. He was instantly concerned and wanted to get in with me. So I told him he could but he needed to be very quiet. He got in and sat there and kept rubbing my leg and kissing me saying "Mama, all better??". I wasn't getting any better I was getting worse. Then I started throwing up and he got very concerned. Mind you we were still in the bath tub but I was leaning over the toilet. He was right next to me rubbing my back, crying for me and asking me if I was ok. When I got done, he very quietly came over and held me while I tried to pull myself together. I told him that we needed to get out of the bath tub and Mama needed to go to sleep. He didn't complain at all. We got out and got our jammies on. I asked him to sleep in my room with me because I couldn't even make it to his room. It was very early for him to go to bed but he laid there with me in the dark with his arms wrapped around me as tight as he could, kissing me all better every few minutes until I fell asleep.
Last night, Jacoby took care of me. I swear his little arms seemed bigger as he held me when I needed him too. He was so amazing. This morning he told his Daddy that he took good care of me which is what his daddy asks him to do every time as he is leaving.
Yes my sweet boy you do make your Mama all better in more ways than I could ever tell you.
I'm so proud of him! That is an amazing story Jess. Maybe you have a future doctor on your hands....haha....start saving for med school!
Made me cry! I am so glad that he could help you and was such a good boy. I always feel bad that you are so far away and I can't help.
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