Friday, May 6, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a great Easter this year. It is so fun that he is starting to get the Holidays. We started off our festivities on Friday night with decorating some eggs.

This was his favorite!

He had a blast doing it. He was very interested in watching them turn colors.

The next day we were trying to make egg salad and he was helping me. He was really surprised that when he cracked the egg it was not running out so he kept trying and trying and then he told me the egg was broke.

The Easter bunny came this year and hid eggs all over our living room. He had so much fun looking for eggs with his basket. He was even more excited that there was candy inside.

Pretty soon the egg hunt got interrupted by the potty dance

but then he felt all better.

I asked him if he would like to leave a snack for the Easter bunny the night before. He said he did and then I asked him what we should leave out for the bunny. He thought pizza would be good. But then I reminded him that he was a bunny, "Well ok Mama, probably carrots." We didn't have carrots so we did spinach, pretzel and grapes. The Easter bunny liked it all.

Diggin out the candy

Blowing his Easter bubbles. He was a little confused this year on who the Easter bunny is. He thought in his head that it was the bunnies we see in the alley so I looked up some pictures of the Easter bunny online to show him. Next year maybe we will have to go and see the Easter bunny.

Then we got ready for church. Reminder to myself that candy before 8 am is not a good idea. He was WILD and it was a struggle to get him dressed and out the door. Not too mention church.

My handsome boys!

That night we went to the Condie's for an amazing rib dinner! Johnny knows what he is doing! Johnson's and Lindsay and Marshal came over too.

We actually got to eat outside with an amazing view of the city before it got too cold. The boys were great but they hit their breaking point but nothing that elmo couldn't fix.

We had a great Easter with some great friends and of course my cute boys!

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