Friday, May 6, 2011

Chewin Gum

At 2 years and 4 months our little one hit a big milestone in our house!! He can finally chew gum! Considering his daddy works for Wrigley we have gum all over our house and this little one is obsessed with it. The problem was that he liked to eat it and would get so mad if he found some and we took it away. I kept wondering when he would finally get it and he finally did! He was so excited! He kept saying, "I not swallow it" and show it to you just like this. We were on our way to Costco and he was sitting in the back seat in his car seat chompin on his gum. It was one of those moments that I thought to myself he really isn't a baby any more. He chewed on the same piece for a couple of hours. By that time it was bed time so he put it on a plate and wanted to have it the next morning. Good thing for me he didn't remember the next morning so I got to throw it away.

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