Friday, January 27, 2012

2 weeks old!

I really cannot believe that my sweet baby is two weeks old! He is pure joy! He is the happiest, sweetest and most content baby ever. He loves to eat and does so constantly. I decided with Jace that I was going to let him take the lead and relax and it has made the biggest difference in him and in me. When he is hungry he starts to pant and nose dives down. It is hilarious! He is such a sleeper and sleeps all the time. Jace's favorite thing to do though is to be held. He is such a cuddly baby and loves to snuggle. If he is not close to me he will scoot and move himself until he is closer and right where he wants to be.

He has the sweetest spirit and has brought so much love along with him.

From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I knew this baby was suppose to come to our family at this time and then when I saw him it was confirmed. As soon as Jarod held him up and I saw that it was a boy I was overcome with instant love and knew that he was mine. I went back and forth my entire pregnancy on what I thought I was having and I never really know but I had no idea how badly I wanted another boy until I saw that he was a boy. I am so happy to have my two boys and I know that they will be the best of friends.

Jace makes our little family feel more complete and I cannot imagine life without this sweet baby of mine. Jace we love you so much and we are so happy to have you here with us. The last two weeks have been exhausting but I would not trade it for anything. We love you so much Jace!


Unknown said...

He is absolutely adorable Jess. I love how light is hair is. I am so glad that you are able to go with the flow with Jace. I am sure it makes it alot easier on everybody. I can't wait to hold him for the first time.

Jim Domeny said...

He is so cute!!!!! I really miss waking up to the sweetheart. Hope things go well this week! You are doing a great job and I know that it will come together with everyone. Love Always Mom

Amy Guldner said...

Oh my goodness - what a sweet precious love. I want to eat him up. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures. Love you all!