Sunday, May 13, 2012

4 Months Old!

Wow, can you really be four months!!  You are so incredible and I am so glad that you are mine.  I love you more than I can explain and I hope that you will grow up feeling the love that I have for you.  You have blessed my life in the last four months so much.  You are the sweetest baby boy and bring me so much joy!  Here are a few things that you are up to.
1.  Love to suck on your hands, fingers and anything else you can get in your mouth.  You have found your thumb and love it but I am trying to enforce the binkie instead.
2.  You love to nurse.  You love to play with my hair or my shirt when I am nursing you
3.  You love your brother and love watching him in action.  He loves to kiss you and you love it most of the time but when you are done you tell him so
4.  Your whole face lights up when you see me and you are constantly keeping your eyes on me
5.  You fall asleep all by yourself these days.  You love to be in your bed with a binkie and a blankie that you snuggle with during the day.
6.  You also love to sleep in my arms
7.  At night, you always start out in your bed but you always end up in my arms.  You like to snuggle all night long.  You like to sleep on your side with your face right in my face.
8.  You don't like your binkie other then when you are tired and you never like it in the middle of the night
9.  You are wearing size 3-6 months and size two diapers
10.  You love being in the bouncy and kicking your legs
11.  You cannot stand tummy time
12.  You can roll over from your back to your tummy but not the other way around.
13.  You are really enjoying your toys.  You like to look at them and swat at them

You are still the happiest baby ever and we love you so much!!

1 comment:

Rob and Elisha said...

So adorable!! Can't wait to meet him!! Miss you!!