Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jace's First Baseball Game

The Cubs were in town and DePaul was having an alumni event so we thought we would take Jace to his first baseball game!  Jarod and I sported our Cubbie attire here in Cincinnati and the boys looked so cute in their baseball outfits.  We had told Jacoby a few weeks prior when he saw cotton candy some where that next time we went to a game we would get him some so he could try it.  Well he remembered and as soon as we got there he reminded us. 
Jace slept as we ate at Pot Belly on our way into the stadium and then proceeded to take in his first baseball game asleep on his Mama with his adorable baseball outfit on.
Jacoby continued to enjoy his cotton candy which he explained tasted just like sugar- hmm, you think! 

I had to get a cute picture of his chubby legs with his cute baseball socks on as soon  as he woke up.  He was not sure what to think of all the people and the noise.  He just kept looking around and then would bury his little face in me for comfort and then pull away and look around some more. 
It was an absolute beautiful night and it didn't take Jace long to decide that he is a baseball fan just like the rest of us.  We made it until the 8th inning and decided that since it was after nine we should probably head home.  Both the boys did amazing!
A very happy daddy sharing this special night with his two boys!  Go Cubbies!!  (They lost by the way but really would you expect anything else!)  We are looking forward to many more baseball games with these two.

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