Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kirtland, Ohio

 While my parents were in town we made the five hour drive to Kirtland.  The drive was one of the longer ones of my life with Jace but he was not feeling well from the car accident, poor baby, but we made it and I am so glad we did. 
 We went straight to the temple and it was amazing!
 So many amazing things happened there and it was so neat to be there and see where those things happened. 
 The temple is not owned by the church and so it was interesting to hear the other religion describe what happened there.  I had two crazy kids so I didn't get to hear much of it and I think that was a good thing this time around.  My family stayed behind and we did our own thing.  After the group would leave an area then we would go in.  Upstairs in Joseph Smith's office, we took advantage of being by ourselves and Jacoby and I touched Joseph Smith's desk.  The very desk that he sat at.  It was really cool! 
 I was overwhelmed numerous times being there and knowing what had happened there.  I just kept thinking it would have been so cool to have been here and as I watched my kids play on the floor in the chapel, I knew that I had been there.  I knew that I wouldn't have missed that.  None of us would have. 
 After the temple, we went to the historic part of Kirtland.  My parents enjoyed this part more than we did.  It was interesting that we liked different things.
It was really cool to see where Joseph and Emma had lived for a short while and to hear the stories of that time but the most impressive thing to me was seeing the table that Joseph Smith and his family sat around and where he received numerous sections of the Doctrine and Covenants, including the word of wisdom.
I was really glad we were able to go but I think next time I will wait until  my kids are a little older.

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