Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Williamsburg, Virginia

 This year for our family vacation we decided to switch it up and head to Virginia.  We had heard lots of really good things and we wanted to go some where we had never been before and cross another state off our list.
We started our vacation in Williamsburg, VA.  It was so cute!!! And our little soldier is pretty cute too!
 There was so much history and the had kept the town just like it was in the old days.  It was amazing. 
 The boys were a little young for it but I can't wait to take them back when they are studying American history. 
 We also went to Jamestown.  Well we drove through it and then Jacoby had to go pee so I was the lucky one that got to try and find a tree where no one was looking.  I am getting pretty good at that. 
 Jacoby is really in to pretending he is a statue these days so he had so much fun looking and pretending to be all the statues.  He couldn't keep a straight face on the one above and this is his favorite pose below. 

 We bought our traditional Christmas ornament and Jace got his hands on the bag.  He would not let it go!  Every single picture we have of him this day, he has this bag in his hands.  Silly boy!
We found this really cool tree and Jacoby climbed on it for a long time while Jace held onto his bag :) 
After spending the day back in history, we hit the cutest little sandwich shop on the main little street and then loaded up in the car and headed to Virginia Beach. 

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