Saturday, August 18, 2012


Jacoby captured this moment with Jace and I while I was nursing him the other day and I love it!  I love that Jacoby took it and I love that I have this moment for Jace and me.
The other day we went to the zoo and Jace had to eat.  I found a very quiet, dark little bench area that was way off the beaten path and sat down to feed him.  I was 40 feet away from the nearest person and you wouldn't know I was there unless you were looking for me.  I didn't even pull my shirt up this time to feed him because I had a nursing shirt on and there I sat with my baby eating.  This group of young twenties, some with children, spotted me and sat there and gawked at me and talked about me in front of me about how they couldn't believe that I was nursing my baby.  I couldn't believe that they were so inappropriate.  I was not out in the open, you couldn't see anything and for goodness sakes even if you could I was feeding my baby.  I have thought about this time and time again over the last few weeks and have decided a few things.
1.  I can't believe that I made them feel so uncomfortable.  I can't believe that was probably one of the first times they have actually seen a mother nurse their baby and that makes me sad.
2.  I can't believe as a society that nursing is not the normal thing to do any more and people would rather give a bottle then nurse a baby. 

As I have thought about this, I have decided that all I can do is my part.  I can support and inform new mama's but I can also try my hardest to help raise boys that support nursing.  And as I thought about that I decided I wanted to take it one step further.  I want to raise boys that support women in general.  I want to raise boys to be men like their Daddy who supports me nursing and nursing way past one year.  Who not only supports me but believes in it as much as I do.  I want my boys to see women for the amazing people that we are and not as an object.  I want them to appreciate a women's body and that she can do amazing things like give birth and sustain a baby not only while she is pregnant but also after the baby gets here.  I want them to see women as their equal and find a women who can be their partner.  I want them to be the husband and father their daddy is and I am so thankful that they have that example in their lives as well as a mama who is a little bit of a feminist :)


Joy said...

You inspire me! I agree with everything you said and as a mother of a daughter, I appreciate your efforts to raise your boys into men who will respect women and not act like neanderthals. Feed your baby whenever and wherever Jess. You go girl!

Steph said...

You were my rock and got me through the worst times of nursing and my mastitis. You are an inspiration and your boys will become amazing men. They are so blessed to have you and you them. I love you and your passion!!! Keep doing what your doing Mama!!!!!