Thursday, September 13, 2012

8 Months

My sweet, sweet baby boy!  How can you be 8 months old!  You are our ray of sunshine and have so much personality sometimes I wonder how it can fit in your little body. 
We love you so much!
You could not be any more perfect and every day with you is filled with love.  You love so much bigger then your little body and give the best cuddles!
You are just such a joy my baby boy!!
Some fun things about you at 8 months.
1.  You love to nurse and still do all the time
2.  You love your brother and are constantly looking for him but then if he gets too close you tell him about it
3.  You cut your first tooth a few days before 8 months
4.  You are not that interested in food at all.  You will eat about 4-5 bites and you are done
5.  You love bath time and get so excited to get in
6.  If you could spend all day outside, you would
7.  You love your Daddy and get all excited when he gets home
8.  You can get up on all fours but you have not figured out how to move yet.
9.  Most of the time you are a great sleeper and if you are not I know something is up.  Last week it was teething.  If you do wake up all you want is to nurse.  If I try to put your inky in your mouth you will seriously spit it across the bed.
10.  You love to sleep with me and cuddle all night long.  If you can't touch me you will scoot closer until you are.
11.  You are a love bug and love cuddling and getting lots of attention. 
12.  You still never want to get down and if you are on the floor you want someone right next to you playing with you
13.  You love Sophie the giraffe, the Little People toys and especially balls. 

We love you Jacers!!!

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

He is just darling. I can't wait for you to get here to hold that sweet thing. Mom