Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of Preschool

 After a lot of thought and not getting into the only preschool I likes here, I decided to home school Jacoby this year for preschool.  We are having a blast and I am so glad that I did!!!
 For our first day of school Daddy left him a sweet note and then I had him answer a questionnaire and his answers were so funny!  Then we had to take a couple pictures of the boys out front but it was too bright so we moved inside.
 Then the real adventure started.  We had a pirate day and read the book, How I Became a Pirate.  We made him a pirate hat that he cut out himself.
 Then we headed outside with the treasure map I made for him.  He was so excited! 
 On the treasure map were all the letters and he had to find gold coins that I had written letters on and hid in the front yard to match the letters on his map.
 When he was all done, there was a clue to a buried treasure in his sand box and he found another pirate book.  He thought it was the coolest thing ever!
It was such a blast and Jace enjoyed it too!  I can't wait to do fun stuff like this the rest of the year!
Here is the letter that Daddy wrote him.
You are amazing.  I am so proud of you and how big you are getting.  I cannot believe you are starting your first day of preschool.  I remember when you were just a tiny baby- smaller than Jace- and now look at you; you are doing crafts and projects, learning your letters, singing songs- my oh my how much fun you and Mommy will have.
You aer such a good boy and I am very lucky to be your Daddy.
Have so much fun at preschool today- remember to call and tell me all about it.
I love you,

and his answers to his questions.
1.  What is your favorite color? All colors
2.  What is your favorite sport?  All the sports
3.  Who is your favorite person?  Mama (without any hesitation)
4.  What is your favorite thing to eat? sushi
5.  Where is your favorite place to vacation?  at the beach
6.  What is your favorite book?  The books I have in Jace's room
7.  What is your favorite show?  Octonauts and Super Why
8.  What is your favorite song?  The Rocket song (aka the adventure by angels and airwaves, which we listen to on repeat every time we are in my car)
9.  Favorite toy?  Buzz lightyear
10.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  A giant

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