Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's Official!!

I have the worst sleeper EVER!!!! My baby does not want to sleep during the night. He would rather wake us up, bounce on my head, pull up my shirt, give big kisses, blow raspberries, sing his favorite song, pretty much anything that he can do to distract himself from sleeping!
He is currently cutting 4 more teeth and sleeping is a rarity in my house! It's so funny I read all these blogs that say that their children sleep through the night and I know a lot of them do but here's to all of us sleep deprived parents...... our children are the normal ones! Just ask your parents!
I get so tired of feeling like Jacoby is abnormal because he doesn't sleep through the night and I get so frustrated that all the information out there makes you feel like it is something that you are doing wrong. My baby is happy, healthy and according to our doctor this week more advanced than most 2 years old so I am going to chalk it up to the fact that we must be doing something right and stop beating myself up that he is still not sleeping through the night.
There comes a point that I think for the sanity in my house I need to stop being so concerned about his sleep and accept the fact that my child will eventually sleep through the night. So yes, I am throwing in the towel and accepting the fact that we probably have a few more very long nights in my future.


Jim Domeny said...

This to shall pass! He will let you sleep some day . It might be a long wait for you but it will happen..

Ericka said...

Char has it moments. Some weeks he sleeps like a baby and some weeks he sleeps like a "baby"! He wakes up screaming a couple times a night, then goes back to sleep. I have learned to ignore it and I sleep thru most of it, Matt on the other hand gets up to try to calm him down. I say if he is healthy and growing and happy then let it be! Don't stress over it. Now that charlie is gaining weight better I am trying not to stress as much when he chooses not to eat. these babies are fical little things and as long as he is happy then I don't need to give in to the anxiety!