Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Proud to be Organic!!

I have been wanting to see the movie "Food, inc." for a very long time! I watched the show on Oprah about it and yes even texted most of you to tell you to watch as well since Oprah is on at 9 am here. Well I finally got around to it this weekend and it was well worth the wait!

What an interesting movie! I feel like I am very well informed about the food I eat but I learned so much and Jarod and I kept having to rewind the movie back again to make sure that we heard the information correctly- Fascinating!

It was late by the time we finished the movie and Jacoby was up with us so we didn't talk about it much that night but the next day we had a lengthy conversation. Food is something I am very passionate about. I love to eat it but not really prepare it- but that's a different story- but mostly I am passionate about eating organic. A few years ago, Jarod was getting kidney stone after kidney stone and I was getting migraine after migraine. After some research I decided that why not try to change our diet and see if that helped. We started out slow making the switch to organic. We tried to just do low sodium but soon discovered that it is much easier to go low sodium if you go organic. We finally took the plunge about 3 1/2 years ago and I have only had two migraines, very mild ones, since then and Jarod knock on wood hasn't had a kidney stone. I swear to you it is the organic food that we eat!
After seeing the movie it made more even more sense to me why eating organic would help out our health as much as it does. Did you know 70% of the US meat has been soaked in ammonia and has an ammonia made compound that has been added in with our meat? It's added in to help kill ecoli and the reason we have had such an outbreak in ecoli is because they are feeding cows corn. Cows were not made to eat corn, they were made to eat grass and the ecoli is a bacteria that is taking over in cows because they are eating what they are not suppose to eat and their bodies can't keep up. AMAZING!
Did you know that chickens grow twice as fast as they did in 1970 because of the antibiotics they are given and that their genetic make up has been completely altered to the point that most chickens cannot even walk because they have been made to carry that much more white meat? Not to mention the antibiotics we are getting in our meat is making us immune to antibiotics that we need when we are sick!!
Those are just a few things this movie covers and I was glued! You really are what you eat and I think that we should be more careful what we are putting in our bodies!!! We were only given one and we need to take good care of it.
Ok, I will get off my soap box now but seriously if you get the chance watch the movie!

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