Thursday, March 11, 2010

Red Race Car

Jacoby loves his cousin Michael! When he wasn't with Michael he was standing at the top of the stairs yelling "Mic, Mic" trying to get his attention. Of all the things that they did together while they were home this was the highlight! Michael was so excited to show Jacoby his red race car and Jacoby was so excited to go for a ride.
First we had to catch Michael.

Then the dogs ran behind them.

We had a few crashes complete with giggling and dog kisses!

I kept trying to take pictures and they would go by me so fast with Michael yelling "faster, faster" which sounds like B*stard! Hysterical and don't think we make him say that all the time!

They went cruising up and down the hill with Jacoby's hair blowing in the wind.

They had a blast and it was so much fun watching them! I was a little concerned that Jacoby would have whiplash but he seemed to be just fine.


Jim Domeny said...

Way to much fun!!!!!!they are so cute. Won't it be fun when it is real car and they are cruisin around making us all hope the leader of the pack takes good care of them? I hope you live closer by then..................

Unknown said...

It was so much fun watching them ride around in the car. We miss you and can't wait to see you in a month or so.