Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Valentine's Day cookies!

Does anyone know how to change my blog settings so my pics don't load all crazy like this and my writing can be under my pics? It has been driving me crazy and I can't figure it out! It has been like this since we got our new computer so I don't know what the deal is????

Every year for Valentine's Day for as long as I remember we make heart shaped crisp sugar cookies with pink frosting. Every year! The recipe is my great Grandma's and every time I make them I can't help but think of her and how much she loved the color pink!

Jacoby loves helping in the kitchen! It is one of his favorite things to do. He loves to watch the mixer go round and round and throw things in the hole. When he sees the mixer or blender or any other kitchen appliance that makes noise, he points at it and then makes the noise. So funny!
After we made the dough, we rolled it out on our table just out of his reach on purpose but the little stinker figured out if he put his toes on the bar he could reach just a little bit further and get his fingers in the dough. There was all of these cute fingerprints in the dough.

Jacoby's first bite of a crisp sugar cookie with pink frosting! I love continuing all of my traditions with Jacoby. It brings back so many great memories for me of my childhood and I hope it will for him some day too!

1 comment:

Ericka said...

Jess, when you add your pics on you can say where you want the pic to be..I always choose the center (I think) and when you choose that one the writing is always on the bottom or top of the pic....try that next time.