Monday, August 13, 2012

7 month old cutie!!

Yep, we are moving and did not want to hold still for this photo shoot.  It also didn't help that big brother was in the room and he is far more entertaining then I am so Jace is looking at him in almost all of the pictures but they are still adorable!
Jace, you are our sunshine every day!  You are always so happy to see us.  You are always good for some snuggles and a smile.  You just radiate all the time and we love you so much!!
Some fun things about you at 7 months.
1.  At this point you have had cereal, squash, carrots and pumpkin.  Carrots are your favorite so far but you really are not that interested in food. 
2.  You love to nurse!  I love our time together too.  This month has been a little more challenging because you are easily distracted so I usually try and nurse you when big brother is not around or you just want to take a few sips, pull off, smile and laugh at us and then go back on. 
3.  You are a great little sleeper!  You usually take a few hour nap in the morning and then take two more cat naps later with one of them being another hour.  I don't have you on any sort of schedule at all so things are different every day but that is usually what you do. 
4.  You are a little bit of a night owl but you usually sleep around 5 or 6 hours straight at some point during the night but occasionally you like to keep us on our toes and wake up every hour.  You usually just want to snuggle with Mama and you back to sleep.  You refuse to take your inky in the middle of the night though.
5.  You are very stable sitting by your self and will for long periods of time.  You get where you want to go by rolling, pivoting and reaching or falling over while sitting in a certain direction.
6.  Laugh, laugh and smile all the time!
7.  Get so excited when Daddy gets home
8.  Reach for who you want to hold you
9.  Tries to communicate with us and is pretty good at it. You will whine and whine while staring at something until you get our attention and get your hands on it.  You are so fast with your hands! You even got your hands on some little girls hair the other day as she walked by.
10.  Love my hair.
11.   You talk and talk and when we look at you, you smile and giggle. 

You are so wonderful and we love you so much!!! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the face he has in the second picture. He is so stinking cute. I can't believe he is already 7 months. We love you and miss you guys.